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Ooops! - Tuesday Night (tonight) InterPlay is Cancelled! Also, A Couple of Extra Pieces of Information

From: Jeff B.
Sent on: Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 11:26 AM


Hello All,


Please read for some time sensitive information.  I apologize for the mistake!


1.  I forgot to send an email that Tuesday night InterPlay in Evanston has been cancelled for tonight, Tuesday, July 12th.



2.  Definitely come out and have fun at this week's InterPlay event on Wednesday in Evanston!

Wednesday, July 13th

7:00 - 8:30 pm

Dance Center Evanston

1934 Dempster Street

Evanston, IL 60201

Suggested Donation of $5

Led by Christina Ernst and Bea Rashid



3.  Look out for future events that will be scheduled at these locations:

1) Ravenswood

2) Evanston

3) Virtual Video Conference (Standard Format)

4) A new location near you!  Contact at [address removed] or [masked] to discuss possibilities setting up one or more in-person events that are close to you!


See you soon!


Jeff Breting


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