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Re: [jsmn] JavaScript Unit Testing?

From: robert t.
Sent on: Monday, July 27, 2015, 5:26 PM

Sorry, I don't know of any groups focused on JS unit testing, but unit testing would be great topic at this meetup! Do you have small, encapsulated bits of logic you want to test or are you looking for more of an integration test to see how your JS executes within the web page? Your mention of JSPs led me to think you're really looking for a way to test in browser, which probably means you have to have that servlet container running. (Which... in turn means a lot of sitting around waiting for things to start up.)

We should talk at the next meeting. I like to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of testing at various levels and how different architectures contribute to or resolve those problems.  :-)


 -------- __@ 
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robert tomb
[address removed]
twitter: @bikeonastick

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:35 PM, Cjad Elstad <[address removed]> wrote:

Anyone know of a good JS unit test group? In MN would be even better, but I'll take a good one anywhere.
I am looking to hear how others are handling JS unit testing with JSP's as well as hear what others are doing in a more enterprise space.
Thanks in advance,

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