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Attn: KC Tai Chi Meetup - in 11 days the Meetup of the Century in KC

From: Bill D.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 14, 2015, 11:35 PM
Dear KC/JC Tai Chi Meetup Group members,
Tai Chi and Qigong are the backbone of Traditional Chinese Medicine, with profound healing benefits.
How's this for a Meetup?  Do Tai Chi with tens of thousands of people all around the planet, see various styles of Tai Chi being exhibited, then have a nice cup of tea at the Nelson-Aktin's beautiful cafe, and see the best Chinese art exhibit outside of China (which the Nelson-Atkins has) ... IN 11 DAYS YOU'LL HAVE THIS CHANCE TO BE A HEALING PART OF HISTORY.
Did you know that World Tai Chi & Qigong Day, held in 100s of cities in over 80 nations ... WAS STARTED BY A KANSAS CITY TAI CHI GROUP?
Well, it was, and in 11 days we will have the MEETUP OF THE CENTURY ... where this global event began 17 years ago before the entire planet got involved ... on the South lawn of the Nelson-Atkins Museum (47th & Oak ... AND YOU ARE INVITED!    BRING FRIENDS.
You do not need to know Tai Chi, we'll teach you a couple of moves, so that you too can be part of a global wave of mass Tai Chi and Qigong Day events held in 80 countries all on the same day.
See this amazing video of this extraordinary global event CREATED BY KANSAS CITY folks!
And join us on Sat. April 25th, 9:30 am on the south lawn of the Nelson-Atkins Museum.
Qigong means "breathing exercise" and the motto of World Tai Chi & Qigong Day is
 "One World ... One Breath."
Since KC created this event it has been covered by The New York Times, CNN, FOX, Agence France Presse TV, BBC Television, Euronews, China's Xinhua News Agency, and media worldwide.

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