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New Meetup: Open Game Night

From: user 8.
Sent on: Wednesday, August 19, 2009, 11:57 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Kansas City Boardgames!

What: Open Game Night

When: September 9,[masked]:30 PM

1234 house
kansas city, MO 64157

Open Game Night!

Theme: Card Games.

I see that look on your face..."Card games?! Dont we already have poker nights?"

Card games arent just for poker players anymore! There are many fun varieties out there: the French, team racing game "Mille Bornes", the western inspired "Bang!", the undead hilarity of "Zombie Fluxx" and its silly cousin, "Monty Python Fluxx"; you could even bring Uno...well, probably not, but for all of you "spades", "rummy", and classic card game players, this is the meetup youve been waiting for! Im sure that you have far more variety waiting to be dealt in your closet, so bring them out and lets play!

For this cardgame night, everyone can bring their favorite game to share with the group, but we will not have "Magic the Gathering" at this meetup due to its complexity for new players. We will vote on which games to play as a whole group, but for those of you who want to learn and try a new game, this will be a great night to see what everyone else reccomends. We can sample some new games and watch them in action! What better way to get someone to play!

At this event, we will take suggestions on the next meetup's theme(ie: wargames, team/social games, classics, card, etc) and ask for volunteers to host that meetup. This meetup will start at 6:30pm and last until until 9pm, or later at the discretion of the host.

Please be courteous to the host, bring your own refreshments, refrain from smoking indoors, and remember, its only a game;) If anyone wants to host this one, please contact me ASAP!

I look forward to seeing all of you at this meetup!

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