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LA Reggae Lovers: Policy on purchasing tickets from other members

From: Jamie
Sent on: Monday, August 1, 2016, 5:49 PM

Hello Reggae Lovers!

What a great summer it has been... some awesome reggae shows recently, and we are just starting August!

I am sending this policy out via email, so everyone can be aware of expectations when it comes to purchasing tickets from other members.

One of the valuable things about a group like this is tickets can be bought and sold among members.  If you have an extra ticket, it is typically easy to find another member willing to purchase it.  If you need a ticket for a sold out show, often another member has a ticket that you can purchase.  Keep in mind we all must be responsible for our obligations, and when you say you are going to purchase a ticket, the expectation is you will purchase it.  If you say you will purchase a ticket, and do not show up, the seller incurs a financial loss, because they could have sold it to another person.

And so, with that in mind... the policy:

If a group member commits to purchasing a ticket from another member, they are financially obligated to pay the agreed upon amount.  If the purchaser does not show up to complete the purchase, they are still obligated to pay the agreed upon amount.  Any member who does not honor these financial obligations will be removed from the group.

I generally don't like to be the enforcer of policies which are based on common sense, but feel that we need to formally establish this policy and also enforce it for the benefit of the group.

Please feel free to message me if you have any questions, feedback, or would like to report any violations of this policy.

Lastly, if you have recently agreed to purchase tickets and haven't yet paid, keep this policy in mind.


- Jamie
Group Organizer, LA Reggae Lovers