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Pick Up Rides!

From: Eric
Sent on: Thursday, December 29, 2011, 10:34 PM

Hello, scooterists!

Ever just want to grab a few scooter pals and go for a quick ride? Have some friends join you on a jaunt to somewhere you've always wanted to go? We've added a new forum on our discussion boards to make it easier for members to hook up and ride. 

You can post Pick Up Ride announcements here:

These rides are not organized, run or sanctioned by the LA Scooter Group. We're just giving folks a place to connect. 

To receive notifications of new Pick Up Ride posts, click the "Track this discussion" link at the top of the forum. 

Because many people receive their notifications in daily digests, there may not be many responses in under 24 hours. 

As always, have fun and ride safe!
