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What we’re about

We are a User Group & a community -- practicing, exploring, and learning how we can use the open-source (and free) 33 group communication/facilitation methods (microstructures) called Liberating Structures.  

We use a theme each month as the container to support our practicing and playing with the structures, which can be combined and used in infinite ways to radically improve how people interact and work together. And you don't need to have any prior experience to join us here!

Is this the right group for you?
• Are you a coach, facilitator, manager, team member, on a board, or working with two or more people?
• Are you constantly annoyed with long, frustrating meetings that end without a concrete result?
• Are you frustrated by presentations or brainstorming that allows for only the loudest voices to be heard?
• Want to get the most out of your time together with other colleagues and employees?
• Do you think that teams produce significantly better results when people can work together well? 
• If you can answer “Yes!” to any of these questions then you might like our User Group!

***You do NOT have to have any prior experience to join us!***

What are the details? What do we do in the meet-up?
There is a Design Team for each LSLab that is made up of users who meet before the event and who use the evening to share and try out their design string (set of structures and a topic). They agree on a theme they want to explore or work on using the structures (33+ simple methods that revolutionize meetings and can lead to amazing discoveries). The LSLab is their time to have a safe place to learn and practice LS. The community gets to experience new combinations, new themes, and new ways of using LS.
Each meetup is a 120-minute session that includes three parts:
• networking and sharing among members
• getting & giving help
• learning take-aways / action planning

As a participant you are part of the experiment for the evening - you do not need any experience in Liberating Structures. It is possible that something doesn't work out as expected, this is part of our common learning space. It is your responsibility to get answers to questions you may have about Liberating Structures - and to contribute to the fun;-). 

We want to inspire as many people as possible to use Liberating Structures in their daily encounters with others. Join us to experience and practice, to connect with other practitioners, and together evolve the practice. 

Liberating Structures are open-source and free to use. The LSLab is a fun and safe place to practice and connect with other practitioners. For background information see:
If you are looking for a focused and deeper introduction to Liberating Structures, we recommend taking part in a Liberating Structures Immersion. Join us in Munich April 25-26 to not only experience but learn these powerful tools of communication and collaboration.

Upcoming events (1)

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