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Blindess - José Saramago

From: Hina
Sent on: Sunday, August 7, 2011, 11:59 PM

Dear All,


We are only 2 weeks away from our next meetup i.e. Blindness by Jose Saramago. You still have time to RSVP for the event.


Also, please don't forget that we plan to go for some chinese later in China town and not to forget the film The Skin I Live in starring Antonio Banderas and directed by Pedro Almodovar.


All 3 events are taking place on 21st August. Of course, you don't need to attend all three events you can pick & mix the ones you like. Please let Meg and I know which ones you will be attending by RSVP accordingly. Hope to see you soon.




Best Regards,

Hina & Meg

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