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Re: [ljc] JDE dead?

From: Bruno M.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 20, 2012, 1:51 PM
On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 11:01 PM, Bruce Durling
<[address removed]> wrote:
> https://pragprog.c...­
> "Use one editor well."

True enough, I don't think anyone would dispute that.

I actually suspect that might be one the main factors that make people
keep using Emacs/Vim versus big IDEs. You see, one scenario is where
the vast majority of development one does is in a single
language/platform, like Java/J2EE, for which there is a strong IDE
offering. Here I think it is a bit foolish to not use an IDE like

But another scenario, where one programs in several different
languages, and most of them don't have a good support from IDEs (which
is the case more often than not, especially for emerging languages),
or have good support, but from different IDEs/editors. Here it can be
cumbersome to switch from one editor to another, one development tool
to another, so you gain a lot in productivity by using the same
familiar editor, and becoming proficient in it. Overall this might
actually compensate the productivity you lose by not using the best
IDE/editor for each particular language.

Bruno Medeiros

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