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Barry Cranford has invited you to join LJC - London Java Community perks

From: Barry C.
Sent on: Monday, October 15, 2012, 6:52 PM

I created a group for us on Rewardli so we can band together and get better deals.

They have some pretty cool offers, plus we can request deals and Rewardli will negotiate with vendors for us. Offers for LJC - London Java Community include:

- Code School: $9 first month (regularly $25)
- O'Reilly Media: 40% off books, 50% off ebooks
- MailChimp: 6 Months Free, Then 15% Off
- Optimizely: 25% Off Any Plan
- MongoHQ: $200 credit

Sign up here so you can see the deals and vote on what you'd like to see:

-- Barry

What's Rewardli?

Rewardli gives you access to exclusive perks available only to members of LJC - London Java Community. You can also submit and vote on requests for discounts with service providers you'd like to get.

Sign up for LJC - London Java Community perks

Rewardli, Inc. 425 Second Street, Suite 250, San Francisco, CA 94107

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