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Performance Tuning and JSR hack days at Devoxx UK

From: Martijn V.
Sent on: Friday, February 8, 2013, 4:12 PM
Hi all,

A major theme we're going to have at Devoxx UK is to continue the
popular talks and activities of the LJC for the past few months.

With that in mind we'll be hosting some Adopt a JSR hack days on:

* Java EE 7 - hosted by Arun Gupta
* OpenJDK / Java 8 - hosted by our own Mani Sarkar and friends

Talks on

* A talk on the G1 Garbage Collector by Kirk Pepperdine
+ a host of other performance and deep dive tech talks by folks such
as Peter Lawrey.

Our latest newsletter is here -->­

Don't forget to register you and your colleagues for this tech fest!


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