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Re: [ljc] Interview process using Codility

From: Chris H.
Sent on: Thursday, May 14, 2015, 2:03 PM
I'm definitely on the pair programming side of this discussion. 

It covers several bases:

1. Problem solving
2. Software craftsmanship (TDD, BDD)
3. Communication skills
4. Ego (can they take constructive criticism)
5. Team fit (although sometimes a bit of diversity of opinion can be good, too much can be disruptive)
6. Technical skills 

I also tend to ask about experience solving real world probs while doing the pairing.

It takes time and you have to be willing to invest 2-3 hours min, but what is the cost of hiring the wrong person?


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On Thu, May 14, 2015 at 1:46 PM, Vincent TOMASI <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Lee,

I did some Codility tests recently and had excellent feedbacks, so I think my experience could be profitable.

The main points one needs to be focused on are:

 - Take time to do the demo provided by Codility (it is really worth it to get familiar with the GUI and thus be more relaxed during the real test). Of course, it does not count towards the time you are given to do the real test.

 - Have a trusted internet connectivity during the test

 - Securise the time needed to do the test (be 100% focused during the test, avoid interruptions)

 - Before starting the Codility GUI, launch Eclipse (or any other IDE), so you have access to common JDK libraries and can write/test sample code aside if needed (you also have the liberty of googling documentation if needed, like Java API for instance)

 - First thing to do when you start the timer: select your coding language (Java, C, ...)

 - Then check the number of tasks you will have to do (sometimes I had only one task to do in 30min, other times I had 3 tasks in 2 hours) and organise your time accordingly (you have access to each task and can evaluate each complexity)

 - During the test, in Java for instance, you will need to manually import required core java packages (ex: I had to import "java.lang.*" to have access to Math class), else you would get an obvious compilation error

 - Codility provides you with a testing tool (bottom left corner of the screen) that allows you to add your own tests cases (ex: "[1, 2, 3]" if the input is an array of integers): carefully check the input format which is clearly specified next to the testing tool

 - By default, when you click on "run", your code is first executed on the default test cases (generally specified in the task description), then it is executed on your own test cases

 - Test your code a lot while coding (like TDD) and refactor as many times as necessary to reach the finest solution

 - Save time to be able to clean your code at the end, add relevant comments, remove debug print/out, etc...

I hope it will help :)



Le 14 mai[masked]:09, Lee Smith <[address removed]> a écrit :
Hi all,

Firstly apologies in advance if this is going over old ground, it feels a bit like something that might have been discussed at length here already. I was just wondering if anyone had any experience of having to solve an online programming challenge such as with Codility as part of an interview screening process. Does anyone have any advice or tips for them? Also what in general do people think of the usefulness of these types of online tests against the clock as a hiring tool?


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