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Website with photos - What Was There

From: Rudy
Sent on: Friday, October 5, 2012, 9:31 AM

Hello All,


I wanted to share with you a interactive website some of you might find interesting. You don't have to log-in to explore (I don't) unless you want to participate by uploading photos.


The site is called, What Was There.

Example: enter a city name, i.e. Montebello (that one's for you Anita M)

Zoom-in on the displayed map close enough to click on the small dot on Whittier, Blvd. in Montebello.

You'll see an image of the Tamale House

Click on Google Street; and just click on the + or – sign to see the contrasting difference.

The further or closer you zoom, the more/less historical photos you can see nearby.

You might find your hometown somewhere in the USA.

Best to all
