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What we’re about

This meet-up page is the public facing page for our closed group Kindred (Mannaheim Kindred). This group meets approximately once a month on the 2nd Thursday at a local pub/ restaurant and is hosted by local professed Heathens (as opposed to Norse Pagans). (Not that there is anything wrong with Norse Pagans, we're just different!)

This public facing group allows people who may be interested in meeting us in a public setting an opportunity to do so. And for us to check folks out before we invite them into our private homes for worship.

Mannaheim is an independent Kindred and our members are not affiliated with the Troth, and our Kindred is not aligned with the Ásatrú Alliance, and the Ásatrú Folk Assembly or any other local, state, national or international organization.

We are a "Heathens Against Hate" organization. All are welcome regardless of age, national origin, race, gender, sexual orientation or sexual preference.

We sponsor the following website for individuals who may be interested in starting their own Independent Kindred: