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Reminder: Reiki Circle & Gong Meditation in Hollywood THIS SATURDAY 8pm

From: Rev Adriana Hari Gobind Kaur J.
Sent on: Friday, December 14, 2012, 9:08 AM

Hello divine soul!

We are at the gateway of a very special time of transformation and deep reconnection with the Creative Energies of Earth and Ether, bringing together who we've been and who we're becoming, merging as One.

Tomorrow night at the House of Bread Spiritual Center we come together for a Reiki Healing Circle and
live sacred healing sounds of bowls, tingshas and the symphonic gong.

The event begins at 8pm
Suggested donation $10

The House of Bread Spiritual Center
1925 N 60 Ave (441), Hollywood, Fl
(behind Lutheran Church.. parking is free)


Click Here for details


In Love & Gratitude

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