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Raspberry Pi Dev Environment

From: Alec C.
Sent on: Thursday, August 8, 2013, 9:23 AM
As some of you may know I have a small project (that came out of the
CCHS Embedded Networked Robotics workshop) to create a CCHS "standard"
Raspberry Pi robotics software development platform, build around ROS.­

I'm sure I came make the platform applicable to a wider audience by
extending it into a more generic development environment, so I need
suggestions as to what to include please.

At the moment it consists of the following:

1) Rasbian (Debian) Linux with LXDE dekstop
2) The Robot Operating System installed and ready to use (optional)
3) Working Wifi via WPA Supplicant
4) Working Zero Conf to access your Pi by hostname instead IP address
5) Java development kit (OpenJDK and/or Oracle Java 8)
6) Installation of lm-sensors and i2c software
7) A few development tools (Vim, Git, GNU Screen, tmux, ack-grep and
8) Optional Arduino development environment

All of this is installed from the Raspian or ROS repos (except Oracle
Java) using some user scripts.

I'm thinking of adding PiWiring direct from the Git repo as well, plus
Emacs (just for Geoff). I am also thinking of a) removing X Windows and
b) providing an image download.

So what other software should I include?

Please feel free to reply directly to me and I will summarise to the list.


Alec Clews <[address removed]>­

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