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New Meetup: Wine & Cheese on the Roof

From: Sheila N.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 20, 2010, 1:09 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Memphis Wine Lovers!

What: Wine & Cheese on the Roof

When: Saturday, January 23,[masked]:00 PM

Marc's Roof
10 S. Main
Memphis, TN 38103

Marc, one of the group members, had a great suggestion -- everyone bring a bottle, and maybe something to munch on, and we can get together on the roof of his building, 10 S. Main, downtown.

If you have some extra glasses, bring 'em. Most importantly, bring a bottle of wine -- could be your favorite, or a new bottle you read about, or something recommended by a wine store.

Next, keep your fingers crossed for no rain! We'll probably meet rain or shine, as Marc has generously offered. Stay tuned to the site Saturday for updates.

Questions? I can be reached at either[masked] or[masked] or via email at [address removed]

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