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Cleaning up Membership

From: Marlene M.
Sent on: Monday, January 7, 2013, 4:14 PM

Hello Wine Enthusiasts!

I am doing some maintenance on our membership list. Although we have over 200 members, some on our distribution list have not visited our website in several months, nor have they ever RSVP'd to or attended any events.

I fully realize that our lives get busy and priorities can change quickly.  However, I would like our group to consist of interested, active, and participating members.

Some time before the end of January, I am going to remove any members who have not visited the site in over six months or anyone who has been a member for over a year who has never RSVP'd or attended an event and/or paid their membership dues within that time.

If that is you, and you want to remain a member, please log in to the Milwaukee Wine Lovers site.  I will be sending a separate email concerning some changes that will be made to our membership fees. While you are logged in, you may choose to pay your fees at the same time. If you are removed and want to re-join at some time in the future, please just reapply, pay your membership dues, and sign up for an event within the first three months of rejoining. We will be happy to have you back!

I mean nothing personal.  I am just trying to keep our membership focused on those that want to, and are able to participate.

We have some fun events coming up and we are always open to suggestions. I encourage any of our members to contact me or post suggestions.  I am always looking for new ideas and willing participants and hosts

I look forward to seeing you at an event soon and look forward to your active participation.


In Vino Veritas!

