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How to Vote meetup

From: Susan G.
Sent on: Sunday, October 28, 2012, 8:38 AM
I haven't heard from many of you.  Seems that only Paulina is interested in going this afternoon and she lives here in Salinas near me. 

Need to know if we are going to draw more people, otherwise I'll just change the venue to Salinas.  Or move it to Monday night? 

I don't have a problem going to Monterey today, and meeting tomorrow night in Salinas.  Need some RSVP's that will stick. 

As much as I love hanging out with one or two of you at a time, would be nice if we got more together.  We are a meetup with over 100 people in it afterall.

If you are finding the time/places/day a problem, please suggest other options.

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