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UPDATE: Wed, 4/27/2016 DMNS 3-part event - walk, museum & snack times.

From: Fran R.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 26, 2016, 1:30 PM

Hello Museum Musers!

Tomorrow is our monthly free visit to the "60 Minutes in Space" presentation in the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. This event is the 2nd part of a 3-part event (walk, museum & snack times) sponsored by the Topic-Talk Walks (TTWalks) group on Meetup.

The first part of this monthly TTWalks' 3-part event is a walking conversation.  Tomorrow, Wednesday, April 27, 2016, 5:30-6:30 PM, TTWalks has scheduled a Peripatetic Learning Topic (PLT).  Today, as a pleasant surprise, Libby, a new TTWalks member, offered to lead a walking conversation on the topic of the "Colorado Community Rights Amendment." As Museum Muser and TTWalks' Co-Host, today I accepted Libby's offer to lead our walking conversation on this topic.

The 3rd part of this event is snack time at the Village Inn on South Colorado Boulevard, where we can continue a sitting conversation on this topic.  All topics include simply enjoying each others company, and getting to now each other better.

For more information and to RSVP, click on the link below:

Outdoors and/or indoors, I hope you'll enjoy participating in one or all 3 parts of these monthly last Wednesday of the month 3-part TTWalks events.

Fran Rew
Museum Muser and TTWalks Co-Host
(720)[masked] (cell with text messaging)
[address removed]


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