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PHOTOS: National Public Lands Day FMST Workday on Falls Lake Trail

From: Will & D.
Sent on: Sunday, September 29, 2013, 11:37 PM
The Setting of a bridge on the MST West Falls Lake Section 22 was BIG WORK, done by the many FMST Volunteers.
Meetup multi-tasking posting:
Most of the 99 PHOTOS show the progress steps to install that bridge:
The first 17 photos depict the preliminary tasks accomplished on Friday  to prepare for the primary bridge supports concrete pour. 
After gathering the FMST workday volunteers Saturday, the three task force groups disbursed.
The remaining photos show the many volunteers using many wheelbarrows to mix the concrete and pour the supports, then setting the bridge in place.
Many thanks to Steve Terrill for leading this difficult effort. 
Later, WILL

Will & Donna Farmer
3566 Overlook Ct
Wake Forest, NC 27587

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