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Quantum Leap will close on and move to Facebook (see ya Saturday)

From: MaryLou
Sent on: Thursday, June 24, 2010, 4:22 PM
On we have three people confirmed for Saturday's meetup at CC's coffee and a few more responded through facebook.

Please go over to Facebook and log on as a member of the New Group called Consciousness Shifting NOLA. It is a closed group but all local people wanting to join will be accepted. To say it is a closed group means the content of the wall and discussions are only visible to group members. People on your friends list can't see what goes on in the group.

This meetup group called Quantum Leap New Orleans will close on the last day of June.

We do hope you stick with us.

As for the subject of the meetup Saturday........I do look forward to talking about manifesting. That is what shifting our consciousness is about....learning how to create from a different space.

Mary Lou