From: Dean W.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 12, 2012, 2:50 PM


Date: December 12, 2012

Location: Austin, TX

Contact: Dean Wright – Co-Chair CTxPAC & Director of New Revolution Now, [masked] x:701

CTxPAC Announces Regional Caucuses in Build Up to State Conference

Texas Tea Party and Conservative Grassroots activists will begin meeting in regional caucuses around the state beginning this week and through the first part of January to develop Texas legislative resolutions that will guide them in their citizen lobbyist efforts during the Texas 83rd Legislative Session.

“We will be setting the Texas Tea Party State and National Legislative Agenda” said Dean Wright. “Our goal is to get maximum input from conservative activists from around the state. In doing so, we hope to harness the strength of the Texas Tea Party movement and be a significant force on major issues concerning our state and nation.”

The regional caucuses will be a build up to the state conference and caucus on January 19th at the state capitol. There, they will honor their 2012 Texas Top Ten Conservative Challenger Candidates, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, TX Sen. Donna Campbell and TX Rep. Matt Krause, who won their races in November. Additionally, they will have workshops on “Citizens Impacting Legislation” and The Texas Conservative Caucus where they will finalize the resolutions to be presented to the conservative Texas legislators.


Dean Wright
Co-Founder / Director
New Revolution Now
V: [masked] x:701
F: [masked]
[address removed]