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Meetup recap, Boston Hardware Workshop and jobs at startups

From: Haytham E.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 10:51 PM

Dear hardwarians,

I hope you all enjoyed the meetup last week – what a great group of startups. In case you missed it, below is a recap. Our next meetup is on 4/6, so mark that date in your calendars!

  • We had Canary talk about their journey from prototype to a home security product that’s in more than 7000 retail stores.
  • Eight makes a mattress cover that incorporates the most accurate sleep tracker on the market. They’re offering a discount code to the meetup group: HWARE40 for $40 which must be redeemed by April 1st. They are also looking for a Head of Hardware, and an Electrical Engineering contractor to improve schematics/layouts with few incremental changes and component swaps, design test jigs and make appropriate changes to support the certification process.
  • Qleek demonstrated their modern take on creating a mixing tape, a beautiful custom made physical bookmark for your digital content.
  • Thanks to our amazing sponsors: Canary, UL and their startup program, and Bolt, the seed stage VC focused on hardware. Check out their toolbox blog posts for entrepreneurs.

Events and Crowdfunding Campaigns

  • Vertisense, a former hardware meetup presenter, is crowdfunding their latest alcohoot device. Check out their campaign here.
  • The Boston Hardware Workshop is coming up on April 7th and 8th at Bolt. Hardware workshop is a two day event for hardware startups. Taught by experienced operators, it’s purpose is simple: Teach important lessons to the next generation of hardware entrepreneurs. We run it at cost to educate the next generation of hardware entrepreneurs. Only $75. See here for more info.

Jobs @ HW Startups

  • Combat Sensei, LLC. a gaming hardware startup similar in nature to Sabertron and Magnetag is seeking cofounders in all areas, in particular a CTO or a tech who has experience with smart app enabled hardware & gaming to make a prototype of the Combat Sensei.  Please email all inquiries to [address removed]
  • Kinetic (my startup) is looking for a firmware contractor to help us with product development during our first production run.

Keep building!


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