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Some BetaNYC civic hacking / #HackforChange events you should note!

From: noel h.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 21, 2014, 10:50 AM


These next two weeks are special.

  • FIRST, we begin our hacknights in a new Manhattan location.
  • SECOND, NEXT week is National WEEK of civic hacking! Join us for a diverse set of events that will connect you and your neighbors.

=-=-=-= This week's Hacknight =-=-=-=

On Wed, 20 May, BetaNYC will host its first Civic Hacknight with Dev Bootcamp. With the capacity for 70+ civic hackers, we are looking forward to hosting the following lighting talks. < >

  • Volkan Unsal will share Wishlist, a project that helps NYC students find a high school.
  • Gunnar Aasen of Commune will share myCB, a project to help you find community board meetings, agendas, and minutes.
  • Kara Chesal of the NYC Dept. Of Ed iZone will share new open data on pre-k and mental health services released for BigApps.

=-=-=-= National Week of Civic Hacking =-=-=-=

Starting Tuesday, 27 May, BetaNYC will host NYC's first week dedicated to Civic Hacking. For the week, we will explore how civic hacking can change national politics, improve transportation and transit networks, and culminate in a daylong hack day and unconference, CityCamp NYC!

Join us for one or all of these great events!

Tuesday, 27 May, A civic hacking revolution, made in Taiwan. < >

clkao is an open society / open source / open government advocate who founded This organization helped occupied Taiwan's parliament demanding accountability and transparency. For the night, clkao will host a conversion on lessons learned and discuss how we can provide mutual aid to our brothers and sisters.

Wed, 28 May, BikeNYC & Citibike NYC App Showcase 002 < >

For our second app showcase, we partner with Rudin Center and OpenPlans to highlight NYC's best bike apps, maps, and visualizations. If you want to suggest an app, map, or visualization, email ( event-ideas(at) ).

Friday, 30 May, #CivicFridays 004 < >

This is our monthly civic tech and government service design happy hour for gov / civic geeks alike. Join us and mingle with NYC's most innovative geeks!

Saturday, 31 May, CityCamp NYC 2014 < >

CityCamp NYC 2014 is a hack day and unconference to discuss, build, and improve NYC's civic infrastructure. In complement to NYC BigApps, CityCamp is an open and safe space to work on apps, maps, and hacks that will get used BY GOVERNMENT. Additionally, we will work on pending municipal legislation. Join us and build a better connected NYC.


We hope to see you this week or next!
- BetaNYC's organizers

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