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WordCamp Nashville Happening Soon

From: Scott M.
Sent on: Tuesday, April 3, 2012, 4:30 PM

Hello NOBS members!

Due to all the follow-up questions from our last presentation on WordPress, I wanted to pass the following opportunity from the team over at WordPress Nashville:


If you have not bought your ticket to WordCamp Nashville 2012 yet, do not dally or you may wind up with an awesome t-shirt that doesn’t fit.

We have to order THIS FRIDAY and the ticket form allows size selection for a signature shirt.

If a proper-fitting t-shirt isn’t enough incentive, take a look at some of the presenters:


Samuel Wood AKA "Otto"

Otto is a core WordPress contributor and developer from Memphis, TN. He is a "Tech Ninja" at Audrey Capital, WordPress founder Matt Mullenweg's investment company ( He also is a moderator of the forums.


His sites and profiles:


Andrew Nacin


Andrew Nacin is a core WordPress contributor and developer from Washington D.C. He is also a "Tech Ninja" at Audrey Capital. Not the shy type, Andrew has become a sort of legend and meme in the WordPress community, inspiring (or runs...not sure) the twitter accounts @NacinBot & @BlameNacin (WordPress inside jokes)

 His sites and profiles:


The “Nacin and Otto” show is a big score for WordCamp Nashville. But that’s not all!


Our very own Brad McCarty, who lives in Spring Hill, TN, is another presenter. He’s a professional blogger and the managing editor of TheNextWeb, one of the World's largest technology blogs (based in the Netherlands).

His sites and profiles:


Our WordCamp site has the most up-to-date speaker information and more will follow. Don’t do what you always do and wait until the last minute because it may be too late. The event is limited to 250 people and there are less than 100 tickets left. Grabbing a ticket is easy.


To keep up with the latest WordCamp Nashville 2012 news and announcements, follow @WordCampNash on Twitter or like WordPress Nashville on  Facebook.


Press on,

John, Randy, and the WCNash planning team