What we’re about
Our happy hour has been on the last Monday of every month since 2005. Won't you join us to see why hundreds of Asian professionals come out every time? Our next happy hour is on February 24. Hope to see you soon!
Join us and network with Asian professionals, Asian-American professionals, and multi-cultural Asian professionals in the New York, NY Metro Area. We are 11,926 Asian Professionals and growing!
***** Please note that our group and our events are NOT for non-Asians. *****
The mission of the New York Asian Professionals Meetup (www.NYAPM.com) is to connect Asians and Asian-Americans in the New York metropolitan area: life is richer and business is better when you have more quality relationships! Come meet other Asians in a fun environment.
Founded by Richard Young in 2005, the NYAPM is the largest of its kind -- in the world. And once you JOIN OUR GROUP by clicking the red "Join this group" button (or here: [https://www.meetup.com/new-york-asian-professionals/join/](https://www.meetup.com/new-york-asian-professionals/join/)) you're instantly connected to over 10,000 Asian professionals living and working in and around New York City. Richard has been successfully connecting Asians and Asian-Americans socially and professionally in the tristate area for decades.
When you GO TO OUR EVENTS, you can mix & mingle with the 300+ Asian professionals that typically attend. Many of our Asian members have become good friends and now get together for Asian fun, Asian business, or Asian romance outside the monthly happy hours -- and that's what this is all about: connecting with like-minded Asians in a casual, relaxed atmosphere.
Our typical member is Asian and based in the NY metro area, and likely working in the finance, medical, legal, real estate, or technology sector. But Asians of all ages and professions (and students 21+) are welcome!
Our typical event is at an upscale lounge or event space and usually 300+ Asian professionals show up, with an even amount of Asian men and Asian women. Our members are friendly and chatty, but if you do need an introduction, one of our Asian organizers would be happy to provide several for you.
If you're an Asian professional in the NY metro area, please join our group now!
We look forward to seeing you at our next events!
P.S. When you look closely at our "Attendees" for each event, you'll see that we don't have event hosts RSVPing with "+99 guests" -- look at [https://www.meetup.com/new-york-asian-professionals/photos/](https://www.meetup.com/new-york-asian-professionals/photos/) and see that we really have hundreds of Asian professionals at each event. Join us soon!
Please note that, unless you are offering us a venue or sponsorship, ALL COMMERCIAL SOLICITATIONS ARE IGNORED. To cut down on the amount of email everyone receives, we only email our members regarding NYAPM-related events (this means we will not promote your event -- don't bother asking).
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- February 2025 NYAPM Happy HourHotel Chantelle, New York, NY
Please note that our group and our happy hours are not for non-Asians.
Our monthly happy hour is our flagship event that started it all years ago in 2005. Experience what it's all about -- come and meet fellow Asian professionals in a friendly, casual atmosphere. Relax after work and meet some new people.
Because this is a free event where you are not paying a cover or door fee, we humbly request that you please buy one drink or more to support our venue since they are turning away other business to allow us to host our event (buying alcoholic drinks/soft drinks/bottled water helps support the venue -- getting free tap/iced water does not).
First time to one of our events? See photos from previous happy hours on Meetup or Facebook.
Hope to see you there!
Also find us on Facebook:
https://www.facebook.com/share/183ujfEN4v/ - March 2025 NYAPM Happy HourSide Door, New York, NY
Please note that our group and our happy hours are not for non-Asians.
Our monthly happy hour is our flagship event that started it all years ago in 2005. Experience what it's all about -- come and meet fellow Asian professionals in a friendly, casual atmosphere. Relax after work and meet some new Asian people.
Because this is a free event, we humbly request that you buy one drink or more to support our venue since they are turning away other business to allow us to host our event (buying alcoholic drinks/soft drinks/bottled water helps support the venue -- getting free tap/iced water does not).
First time to one of our events? See photos from previous happy hours on Meetup or Facebook.
Hope to see you there!
Also find us on Facebook:
- NYAPM Happy HourTBD, TBD, NY
Please note that our group and our happy hours are not for non-Asians.
Our monthly happy hour is our flagship event that started it all years ago in 2005. Experience what it's all about -- come and meet fellow Asian professionals in a friendly, casual atmosphere. Relax after work and meet some new Asian people.
Because this is a free event, we humbly request that you buy one drink or more to support our venue since they are turning away other business to allow us to host our event (buying alcoholic drinks/soft drinks/bottled water helps support the venue -- getting free tap/iced water does not).
First time to one of our events? See photos from previous happy hours on Meetup or Facebook.
Hope to see you there!
Also find us on Facebook:
- NYAPM Happy HourTBD, TBD, NY
Please note that our group and our happy hours are not for non-Asians.
Our monthly happy hour is our flagship event that started it all years ago in 2005. Experience what it's all about -- come and meet fellow Asian professionals in a friendly, casual atmosphere. Relax after work and meet some new Asian people.
Because this is a free event, we humbly request that you buy one drink or more to support our venue since they are turning away other business to allow us to host our event (buying alcoholic drinks/soft drinks/bottled water helps support the venue -- getting free tap/iced water does not).
First time to one of our events? See photos from previous happy hours on Meetup or Facebook.
Hope to see you there!
Also find us on Facebook: