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From: Susanne
Sent on: Monday, August 27, 2007, 11:32 AM
Dear Hiking & Nature Meetup member,

I just returned from a week of hiking yesterday and I'll tell you more about that below.

If you haven't done so yet, check out the two trips we have currently planned for September. I know it's tough to think beyond Labor Day, but both trips require car pooling and that needs a bit of planning ahead. If you'd like to come, but have no transportation yet, still RSVP with YES and note in your RSVP that you are looking for a ride and where you are located. If you have a car and would like to come, please RSVP as soon as possible, so that we know how many cars we have. Equally, if you are looking for a spot in a tent for the camping trip or have spots available, let us know in your RSVP so that people can get in touch with you.

While I was out on the East coast, we had two Hiking & Nature Meetup day trips, and I heard that they were very nice. Thanks to Andre and Aaron for organizing these!

Last week, I spent 5 days hiking in the North Cascades in Washington State. I went with the Sierra Club. About 14 participants and two leaders stayed at the Mazama Basecamp Lodge, which was very comfortable. We had the whole lodge to ourselves and there was a cook who stuffed us with excellent meals, sandwiches, desserts, cookies and cakes. In spite of hiking about 6 hours per day, I probably gained a pound or two. I can really recommend the lodge. Although you only get dinners, if you come as a group of at least 12 people.

The hikes were very nice. The first two days it rained almost continuously, but then it got increasingly better. The last day was mountain paradise. A dark blue sky, and a perfect mountain scenery, the way you imagine it in your day dreams: soaring mountains with glaciers and snow on top, lush green valleys below, interrupted by gurgling mountain streams. Ahhh, perfect bliss. smile

To give you an impression, I posted my favorite photos on our meetup page here.

I hope to see you on one of our trips in September,


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