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Tomorrow - 9/23 - Digital Day at New York Television Festival

From: Joshua J. C.
Sent on: Tuesday, September 22, 2009, 12:26 PM
Join members of New York's Digital Community on Wednesday, September 23 for a FREE day of panels and a night of the best in Web Television, courtesy of the New York Television Festival.

Speakers include Ileana Douglas (Easy to Assemble), Douglas Sarine (Ask a Ninja), Miles Beckett and Greg Goodfried (LonelyGirl15), Joe Michaels and Niko Chauls (MSN) and Sean Tice (Wallstrip).

Digital Day will feature the season 3 premiere of the Streamy award-winning You Suck at Photoshop, with creators Troy Hitch and Matt Bledsoe; a sneak peek at season 2 of Easy to Assemble; a special showing of Channel 101: NY; and a showcase of Streamy-nominated Web series including All?s Faire and Jake and Amir.

Digital after Dark refreshments courtesy of Stella Artois and Chipotle NYTVF Digital Day is presented by MSN.

More information and RSVP HERE.

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