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EFT NJ: Breakthrough In Body, Mind, Spirit Healing Tonight (Fri) At Panera (EFTNJ.Com)

From: Jay
Sent on: Thursday, April 24, 2014, 11:51 PM

EFT NJ: Breakthrough In Body, Mind, Spirit Healing Tonight (Fri) At Panera (EFTNJ.Com)

If you are suffering from any kind of emotional, psychological, or physical distress, you owe it to yourself to check out this introduction to EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques. EFT is the breakthrough energetic healing modality of our times. It’s easy to do and it really works.

I have been teaching to people EFT since its beginning in 2000. See my website for more detailed information – http://EFTNJ.Com – or read actual case histories documenting extraordinary healing produced through the use of EFT.

To look at actual case histories, click on the following links:
Depression / Anxiety & Panic Attacks / Fears & Phobia
Rage & Anger / Trauma & Abuse / Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Case histories come from the website of Dr. Gary Craig, the originator of EFT.
They have been contributed by therapists using EFT worldwide.

You’ll be glad you joined us for this valuable program.