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New Meetup: Raja Yoga Meditation Course

From: Brahmakumaris M.
Sent on: Saturday, July 4, 2009, 10:47 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Oklahoma City Meditation Meetup!

What: Raja Yoga Meditation Course

When: July 13,[masked]:00 PM

Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation Center
4340 NW 23rd St, Oklahoma City, OK
Oklahoma City, OK 73107

Attention! This meetup is designed as an introduction to meditation, specifically Brahma Kumaris Raja Yoga Meditation which is a series of lessons that are consecutively given. There are 3 sessions which cover the foundation course which will begin on Monday July 13th and continue on Tuesday July 14th and July 15th at the same times of 7pm-8:30pm.

So, if you'd like to attend, please take time out for 3 evenings for your benefit.

Based on previous feedback, we're would like to clarify that this course will cover knowledge required to begin meditating without which this meditation won't be effective and beneficial.

This course introduces the following:

* Understanding & improving thought patterns by knowing the self
* Meditation to detach yourself/your mind from negative influences and recharging your inner self
* Drawing strength from the Supreme Source
* Understanding the law of cause and effect
* Developing inner powers

Learn more here:

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