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Re: [entrepreneur-1449] OKC Entrepreneur Group Meetup - Tonight 7 pm July 26, 2012

From: Jon K. C.
Sent on: Thursday, July 26, 2012, 5:15 PM
Sorry I wont be able to meet with you all tonight, was so looking forward to meeting and discussing entrepreneural business, but some changes in schedule has caused me to change, but hoe to be there next month. Jon K. Cronin, Dodge City, Ks

From: Ron Harris <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, July 26,[masked]:11 PM
Subject: [entrepreneur-1449] OKC Entrepreneur Group Meetup - Tonight 7 pm July 26, 2012

OKC Entrepreneur Group
Meeting 4th Thursday of every month
Northwest Library 5600 NW 122nd, OKC, OK (Just East on 122nd from MacAuthur)
Peer Group Setting - Lets discuss why we are entrepreneurs and what challenges we face and how to overcome them.
So come join us at 7pm and go to the conference rooms in the library (to the right of entrance).
See you there!

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This message was sent by Ron Harris ([address removed]) from OKC Entrepreneur Group.
To learn more about Ron Harris, visit his/her member profile

Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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