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Settings have changed for Bradstreet Sea Kayakers - Cleveland, OH

From: Libby
Sent on: Tuesday, March 20, 2012, 11:17 AM

Libby, the Organizer of 'Bradstreet Sea Kayakers - Cleveland, OH' Meetup Group has changed the settings for the group.

Members can add Meetups, but can only be announced by an Organizer. Once we have some guidelines posted on anyone announcing a Meetup, all members will be able to plan and announce them.
Post a Meetup at

This Meetup will remain open, welcoming kayakers at any level of experience. So, if you already know of a good 2-3 hour paddling trip that you enjoy and would like to introduce to others, please add it as a meetup and it will be announced.

Thanks.  Libby

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