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Upcoming Open Heart Workshops in Melbourne :-)

From: Anne-Marie H.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 11, 2010, 10:28 AM
Dear Everyone,

We are very excited to announce the next round of beautiful Open Heart Workshops in Melbourne for those who are interested in learning about the importance of the Heart and what the Heart can mean for you, in your daily life.

The Heart is:

? The key to our connection to the Source of Love and Light
? Learn to realise the difference between heart and mind
? The key to effectively reduce stress
? The key to enjoying more calmness, peacefulness and joyfulness
? Feel the love and light radiate from your heart
? Clear negativities from your heart
? Understand the true purpose of life
? Learn to pray from your heart
? Be more grateful

Learn to share the blessings of the Love and Light, heart to heart, with others.
The details are as below, and you can read more at

Open Heart Workshop Level 1:

... gently guides you to be able to feel and understand your Heart better, so you can feel calmness, peacefulness and joy every moment of your life. You will also learn to recognise the difference between Heart, brain and feelings and thoughts. Level 1 offers the opportunity to open your Heart and to learn to rely on the blessings from the True Source of Love and Light.

Open Heart Workshop Level 2:

... strengthens your Heart even more to help you learn how to surrender, cleanse and direct your Heart even better to the True Source. You will be guided so your Heart begins to recognise more about the Love of the True Source, and begins to give answers to important questions.
Each workshop is of one day duration.

Next Workshop Dates:

Saturday 19th June 2010 : Level 1 - $100 (25% discount for concession card holders)
Sunday 20th June 2010 : Level 2 - $120 (25% discount for concession card holders)

If you're interested please contact Steve Ray on[masked] or email [address removed]

with Love and Light,

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