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Parking instructions for this Wednesday's OC Traders meetup

From: Scott H.
Sent on: Monday, August 25, 2014, 2:11 PM
First of all, thanks to all of those who have RSVP-ed. As a reminder, if you have RSVP-ed and cannot attend for some reason, please remove your RSVP so others on the waiting list can get an RSVP. 

For those attending the meetup this Wednesday, here are some more details about parking and finding the room. This is from our hostess Christine...

The 20 Pacifica building is the ‘KPMG’ building you can see from the freeway. Parking is clearly marked – attendees just take a ticket and we will take care of any validations but most likely at that hour they won’t be necessary on the way out.  The conference room is on the first floor – Suite 115 so we don’t have to worry about the elevators stopping. There will be a sign as you walk in from the parking structure and there’s a security guard on duty who can direct attendees.  I’ll also stand out there to point the way. 

You should plan to arrive earlier than normal to accommodate some time for getting lost or just trying to find this new venue.

For RSVP changes or more information about the meetup, visit the meetup web page

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