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New Meetup: Orlando Reef Divers First April Meeting

From: Rob B.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 31, 2010, 6:48 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Orlando Reef Divers!

What: Orlando Reef Divers First April Meeting

When: Tuesday, April 6,[masked]:00 PM

Paddy Murphy's Irish Pub
4982 New Broad St.
Orlando, FL 32803

You won't want to miss this meeting of the Orlando Reef Divers. If you haven't had a chance to check us out, this is an excellent time.

And if you haven't thought about the upcoming dive season, this is the time to start. We have a full schedule of dives coming up. The "Derby Dive" in May is full as is the trip to Dominica. But it's just the right time to sign up for the "June Babies" dive trip. We have weekend trips for July and August opening up and there's still time to get in on the trip to Bonaire in September.

As usual we'll be at Paddy Murphy's Irish Pub in Baldwin Park. I hope we'll see you there.

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