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Re: [Orlando-Science-Fiction-and-Fantasy-Wri­ters] Future of this group

From: David M.
Sent on: Wednesday, July 27, 2011, 6:13 PM
Hi, Sarah.  Sorry about the string of bad luck.  I can certainly help with the fees but I'm not sure I'm experienced enough to help run the group.  I've had little -- actually no luck with queries and little real experience critiquing fiction.  As far as writing it goes, I'm just a beginner and a novice with the social media thing as well. 
Dave Morrese

From: Sarah
Sent: Wednesday, July 27,[masked]:56 PM
Subject: [Orlando-Science-Fiction-and-Fantasy-Writers] Future of this group

Hey everyone!


As some of you know, I've had trouble finding a job and recently, my truck engine blew up. So I have moved in with my parents until my truck can be fixed and I find a job. I have no idea when or if I will be able to return.


For the group, this means I won't be in town to organize meetings or collect dues. I have two options: I can resign as organizer of this group and if someone doesn't take ownership of it in a few weeks, the group will be deleted. The other option is to appoint a co-organizer who will organize meetings in my absence.


Either way, I will need help paying the administrative fee for the group, which is $45 every three months.


Please let me know what you think I should do.


Thank you,


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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]

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