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October MongoDB webinar schedule

From: user 1.
Sent on: Thursday, October 4, 2012, 1:57 PM

Hi all,
We'll be posting these webinars as individual events for you to get all the details and RSVP, but here's a real quick round up of what MongoDB webinars we have coming up in October:

October 4 (today!),[masked]:00PM UTC+1 What's new in the .NET Driver
October 11,[masked]:00PM UTC+1 Operational Intelligence with MongoDB
October 18,[masked]:00PM UTC+1 Building your first Java Application with MongoDB
October 24,[masked]:00 PM UTC+1 How and Why Leading Investment Organisations are Moving to MongoDB
October 25,[masked]:00PM UTC+1 Ensuring High Availability for Real-time Analytics featuring Boxed Ice / Server Density
October 30,[masked]:00 AM UTC Managing Social Content with MongoDB

I hope these are of interest and we look forward to you joining us!  And don't forget to register for the next Paris MongoDB User Group: coming soon!

Paris MongoDB User Group


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