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What we’re about

We invite you to try Underwater Hockey! Underwater Hockey is a fun and competitive sport.

Practices are open to all ages and genders. Beginners are always welcome. No experience is required. Under age 18 requires a signed parental consent.

Underwater hockey is a fast moving game that is played on the bottom of a 6-8 foot swimming pool by two teams. Players wear fins, mask, snorkel, a protective glove, and headgear (the same kind used in water polo). Using a short stick, approximately 1 foot long, a weighted puck is pushed the length of the pool into goals.

The puck is heavy, around 3 lb. and coated with a protective layer of hard plastic. The goals are 9ft long.

Play and strategy is similar to soccer or ice hockey except that the playing surface is at the bottom of a pool. The rules are "non-contact" and players generally cover zones around the puck. Since no one can hold their breath forever, there is no goalie. Instead we have forwards, wings, and backs to play various formations.

Success (scoring) ultimately depends on teamwork, since no single person can hold their breath forever. On average, each player is underwater about 10 seconds at a time, and almost never more than 20 seconds.

Play is fast and exciting - you go at it hard while holding your breath. The sport offers great cross-training for anyone including divers, runners, swimmers, and bikers. Plus, because it's non-contact and underwater, people of different sizes and genders play on an equal field. There is no checking and certainly no fighting.

If you have snorkeling gear (mask, fins and snorkel) that you'd like to use, feel free to bring it, but we have loaner equipment for you to borrow at the pool.

All you really need is a
- swimsuit 
- a towel

Optionally you may want to bring:
- gym socks for added foot protection when wearing the fins 
- shampoo

When you're ready to buy gear, talk to us because there are some sport specific gear requirements. I recommend your first purchase be a low-volume freediving mask. For UWH, it must have two panes.

Here are two UWH gear shops that sell great gear and also have new player kits.

  1. [](
  2. [](

Check out this great introductory video from

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We send announcement usuing a google groups.
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The club operates on a pay-what-you-can system. Please contribute $15/session or $45/month to help pay for pool/insurance/gear upkeep.

Donate on Paypal here.

See you on the bottom!