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PlayScrum Book - New Chapter, PlayScrum Spike - New Initiative

From: Satisha V.
Sent on: Monday, September 19, 2016, 8:56 PM
Hello Players!

Its been a while I wrote to this group. Here are few updates.

PlayScrum Book - Second Chapter - Creating Shared Need
I got back to writing PlayScrum Book. I completed the second chapter and its published here. This chapter discusses how to get started with Organization change for agility. You can learn about 5 Hows and Change Canvas. Please provide your feedback and I'll include in the next iteration along with a new chapter in October.

What is PlayScrum Spike?
Its an initiative sponsored and supported by Leanpitch Technologies. The purpose of this initiative is to solve tough technical problems plaguing Scrum teams. For example, solving challenges faced while adopting Engineering Practices like TDD, BDD on legacy system.

Who can participate?
You can participate if you:
  • are an expert developer of legacy system
  • can spend atleast 10 hours a week on this project
  • understand and appreciate the value of engineering practices and willing to explore and learn.
What will leanpitch do?
  • Form teams of dedicated and enthusiastic people
  • Train them on Engineering practices by bringing in an expert in this area. 
  • Support them in applying these practices at workplace. 
  • Sponsor CSD certificate
  • Support team to share the success story at various conferences across globe.
The first project under this initiative is to solve the challenges of adopting Engineering practices in legacy system. If this interests you, please register @ forms/playscrum-spikes- nomination-form/

Upcoming Leanpitch Training Schedule:
​Write to [address removed] for meetup discounts.​

Satisha K Venkataramaiah

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