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Business Networking Events with the Providence Collective!

From: R. E.
Sent on: Sunday, June 30, 2013, 1:55 PM

Hi All,
I founded the Providence Collective in October 2008 and we are well into in our 5th year and our 6th anniversary will be in October!

I'm reaching out as we are primarily a social-based group, but over the years I've been approached about doing events that are geared toward business networking. Am I peaking your interest?

We all work for, or in some cases, own our own businesses, some of us work in sales, others in development, entertainment, products and services, so perhaps a monthly business networking event might be helpful and benefit all. These events would be separate from the regular Monday Night Meetup, and held on a different day, so no worries on any conflicts with the MNM's!

I've put together a brief survey to gauge interest in doing this. If you wouldn't mind taking a few moments, please give me some feedback on what you think might be interesting and worthwhile for your business networking needs:

Feel free to pass on to anyone you know that might be interested too.

Hope you are having a great weekend!


R. Elsbeth Todd
Founder & Organizer, The Providence Collective


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