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Baze - Personalized Nutrition

From: Joshua
Sent on: Wednesday, August 8, 2018, 2:32 PM

Hi Self-Quantifiers,

I hope your tracking is going well.

I've been working with Baze Labs ( on scientific affairs for the past 22 months. In brief, its nutrient supplements that are personalized based on pain-free at home blood testing. Test your status for 9 essential nutrients and then for the nutrients your are not optimal in receive supplements in the dose that is predicted to optimize your status.

If anyone is interested in trying the product out for a month with a 50% discount (normally $85 for your first test and one month of supplements) please email me and I can provide you a coupon code. In exchange, myself or a member of the product team would like to briefly interview you about what you thought about the product.



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