From: Gary Isaac W.
Sent on: Monday, October 31, 2011, 11:04 AM
Hi Ken - the question of how to have more deep conversation, including images, etc., has come up in several groups. Meetup is good for logistical communications but doesn't function all that well as a form. So we created:

Dan, the forum creator, has turned on all the features you could want, so I encourage you to experiment with it.

Gary Wolf

On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:21 AM, Ken Snyder <[address removed]> wrote:
Ok, I'm starting to understand why the folks in London have ditched the Meetup email group in favour of Google groups … no inline images? No attachments? Makes you wonder if there's running water in the outhouses at the Meetup offices. ;^)

Anyway, in my undying attempt to get you the results of the survey I've realised that I can host them on Acrobat's site. The summary information and underlying details are all there for your perusal:

Ken Snyder
[address removed]

From: Meetup <[address removed]>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct[masked]:11:54 -0400
To: Kenneth Snyder <[address removed]>
Subject: The Boston Quantified Self Meetup Group Mailing List Daily Digest

[Meetup]The Boston Quantified Self Meetup Group Mailing List

Messages in this digest:


Subject: Survey Results - Interest versus Ease of Entry in Tracking

From: Ken Snyder

Date: October 29,[masked]:40 PM

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Apologies if this a DUP but apparently I can't send to multiple meetup groups at once. 
From: Kenneth Snyder <[address removed]>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct[masked]:32:13 +0100
To: QS - London Meetup Group <[address removed]>, QS - San Francisco <[address removed]>, QS - Boston <[address removed]>
Subject: Survey Results - Interest versus Ease of Entry in Tracking

Thanks to everyone who contributed, I've now closed the survey and attached the underlying data for anyone who would like to dig around in it (I saved it in a modern Excel format for those of you with that but also a CSV for those who don't). Below are some charts that help illustrate the results. I know this is a highly capable audience with strong opinions about what types of charts/graphs are good or bad so I'll excuse myself for a minute by saying this is what came from the Acrobat Forms tool I used (also included as images in a tab in the excel file). If you're better at the design end of presenting numbers by all means reply to this group with your analysis and we'll benefit from it. :^)
Ken [address removed]
note: Acrobat Forms Central, for anyone interested, is a pretty elegant little solution for surveys but looking at the underlying data I see a problem with the way it's capturing 1:M questions like "what software do you use" where it just concatenates the results which makes it impossible to pivot or report on easily … I guess that's a problem with a data grid structure versus something more flexible like XML. Bummer. Anyone have any good ways of working around this? 

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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked] | [address removed]