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Fwd: New messages in ✎ Josh B (Quechee Area Camera Club (QACC))

From: Lisa L.
Sent on: Monday, September 18, 2017, 3:50 PM

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From: Meetup Messages <[address removed]>
Date: September 18, 2017 at 12:40:09 PM EDT
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Subject: New messages in ✎ Josh B (Quechee Area Camera Club (QACC))
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Quechee Area Camera Club (QACC)
Hi Lisa,
I had my camera stolen from my car on Friday (9/15) night in Claremont. I was wondering if you could send the word out to the members of QACC, in case they see it for sale somewhere. I'd really appreciate it.

The camera:
Fujifilm X-T2
Serial No. 7AA03106
Gold soft shutter release button

The lens:
Nikon[masked]mm f2.8
B&W filter
Adapter - Fotasy Nk-Fx

I've registered the camera with I'd be grateful if any folks who are using Google Chrome could install the stolen camera finder plugin:­

The plugin searches image EXIF data online, and will notify folks when they are viewing an image that was taken with a stolen camera. The plugin won't steal any of your data or mess up your web browsing!

Thank you for any help that you can provide!

-Josh Bushueff
September 18,[masked]:35 PM
I mean Fujifilm X-T20, not X-T2
September 18,[masked]:37 PM
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