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What we’re about

Rogue Dames is a hiking club for ALL women.

The Dames are a group of women common adventurers who are looking to explore the outdoors in a positive and encouraging atmosphere.  We hike at our individual speeds, enjoying each others company while soaking in the outdoors.  And when we reach the top of every mountain, you will find us cheering, high fiving, and clapping for each other.

We have hiking for all levels!  Beginner hikes, moderate hikes, and more advanced hikes.  We offer all levels of backpacking as well.  We also participate in giving back to our community and trails with events that focus on trail clean ups and trail maintainence.

Oh... and we also know how to have fun :) You'll also find a variety of social/fun events sprinkled throughout our calendar year.  So what are you waiting for ladies?  Come join the fun!

There are two requirements to join the Dames:

    You must be a woman.

    Your profile photo must be a recent headshot of yourself only. -- Our members and Leaders use this headshot for identification purposes. 

(Disclaimer:) As most meet up groups do, we have a 3 no show policy. If you do not UNRSVP 3 Days prior to an event or are a "no show" 3 times, we will remove you from the group.  However, you are welcome back to join when you find that you have more free time to participate in the fun :)

Liability. You agree that in no event shall Organizer or leaders be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses, even if we has been advised of the possibility of such damages, arising out of or in connection with our Platform or this Agreement or the inability to use our Platform (however arising, including negligence), arising out of or in connection with Third Party Transactions or arising out of or in connection with your use of our Platform or transportation to or from Meetup Gatherings , attendance at Meetup Gatherings, participation in or exclusion from Meetups.