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New Meeting: Friedrich Park Hike

From: user 2.
Sent on: Sunday, April 6, 2008, 8:34 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The San Antonio Hiking & Outdoors Meetup Group!

What: Friedrich Park Hike

When: Friday, April 11, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Everyone is welcome but sorry, pets are not allowed at this park.

Meeting Description: Friedrich Park website

We plan to have a regular weekly hike every Friday evening. Group members Jeannette and Cindi have kindly volunteered to host/lead this hike. Organizers Chris and Shannon will come when they can but not every Friday due to their busy schedules! However meetup forces you to RSVP "yes" when you are an organizer, so it will show that we will be there every time. If we cannot make it we will indicate so in our RSVP comments.

Meet in the parking lot of the park. This park has 4.5 miles of trails with beautifully diverse terrain. A moderate level of fitness is recommended as some of the trails are quite steep and can be rough. This will be a fitness oriented hike so the pace will be quick. The trails of Friedrich Wilderness Park offer a wide range of hiking experiences and levels of challenge from Level One handicap accessible to Level Four difficulty. Please wear sturdy hiking shoes and bring plenty of water. Please arrive EARLY to make sure the hike starts on time so that we have plenty of time to hike! Hike will start on time so if you are late, be prepared to run to catch up. Hike will last approximately 1.5 hours as the park closes at sunset, which the city of San Antonio considers to be a full hour before it actually sets.

Should be a lot of fun and great exercise!

Learn more here:

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