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2014 Brainstorming

From: J.j. K.
Sent on: Friday, February 28, 2014, 3:23 PM
Dear SBUXers,

Last week we put our heads together during a brainstorming session and generated some amazing ideas for what we hope to talk about in our community over the next year and more.

For those who could not make our Meetup last week, please take a few minutes to complete our Member Survey.  Your input is extremely valuable and much appreciated!

We are still in the process of reviewing all the materials that came out of our brainstorming Meetup and will be following up with this group in the coming weeks.  Meanwhile, we're working on finalizing the date for our next Meetup, "Storytelling and the Art of UX" by Elisabeth Bentley.  Stay tuned!


J.J. Kercher
Director, User Experience

AppFolio, Inc.
50 Castilian Dr. | Goleta, CA | 93117
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