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New Meetup: Adjusting Tone & Color - The Basics & Beyond

From: Mike A.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 2, 2009, 1:17 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Seattle Area Photoshop Users!

What: Adjusting Tone & Color - The Basics & Beyond

When: September 15,[masked]:00 PM

Adobe University (room posted on lobby door)
801 N 34th St (Enter on NORTHLAKE WAY, on the SOUTH side of the building)
Seattle, WA 98103

We?ll look at the auto adjustments (tone, contrast, color) and use the History panel to make comparisons.

Then we?ll discuss tonal range and color balance as well as how to use the Histogram and Info panels and Color Sample tool to assess tone and color. Then we?ll use Levels, Curves and some other commands to adjust tone and color ? destructively and non-destructively. If we have time, we?ll discuss Smart Objects and how they are used to make adjustments.

This meeting is focused on beginners and we'll cover some intermediate topics as well.

Note: The meeting has a RSVP deadline (10am the day before the meeting) so head count can be sent to Adobe for room setup. If you RSVP after the deadline, Meetup won't let you, but you can still attend the meeting... but you might need to stand... (just kidding, extra chairs will be setup).

The meeting ends around 9pm.

Lastly, there will be tables at the back of the room for you to share your work. Bring your portfolio, prints, etc.

Learn more here:

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