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Re: [sfror] Do you know anyone hiring Junior Devs?

From: Sam P.
Sent on: Wednesday, March 20, 2013, 10:18 AM

How many dev schools are there out there now?   They seem to be proliferating.  Is there a list of them somewhere?

This article lists App Academy, Catalyst Class, DevBootCamp and Hackbright Academy.  Add Hack Reactor to that list.  What others are there?

I wonder:
  • The total number of entry-level devs these organizations will churn out every year
  • How many unfilled entry-level developer jobs are there out there
  • How long before supply outstrips demand

On Mar 20, 2013, at 9:46 AM, Douglas Calhoun wrote:


Our school trains web application developers in the fundamentals of JavaScript and Ruby, as well as Backbone, Node, and Ruby on Rails. We've given our fantastic students over 800 hours of in-classroom instruction, and now they're ready to move into professional dev roles.

Would you please invite anybody you might know involved in technical hiring to meet our newest graduates on the afternoon of Thurs, April 4th in downtown San Francisco?

Please find more information & RSVP here:


Douglas Calhoun
Co-Founder, Hack Reactor
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