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The Impact of Technology on Clinical Trials: Will AI and Mobile Create Cures Faster?

From: Startup Founder W.
Sent on: Monday, October 15, 2018, 3:19 PM
The Impact of Technology on Clinical Trials: Will AI and Mobile Create Cures Faster?

Info and tickets:  Save $10 with code: AngelVLAB10

October 15th, 2018 at The Stanford Faculty Club

Bringing a new medical treatment or drug to market often takes years and costs billions of dollars, and clinical trials usually present the biggest sinkhole — by some estimates, up to 20% of a $65B industry. As medical expenses skyrocket, several startups working on AI and other emerging technologies aim to revolutionize or, in some cases, even replace the clinical trial process.

These new technologies promise to get the right cure to the right people at the right time, simply because they decrease the time to market and expenses involved in clinical trials — while also reducing the frustration that so many patients feel about their treatment options.

Hear from:

1.     Moderator: Daniel Kraft M.D., Singularity University 

2.     Featured Startup: Wout Brusselaers, CEO at DEEP6AI

3.     Contrasting Startup: Michelle Longmire M.D., CEO at Medable

4.     Incumbent: (still in contact with potential panelists)

5.     VC: Ruchita Sinha, Senior Director of Investments at Sanofi Ventures

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